This Week’s Theme: Sabbath

Sabbath means to rest, to cease work or striving. It is an opportunity to trust the One who flung the stars into the sky and paused to delight in His creation. So too, we work and rest, delighting in God’s good gifts to us.

This pause has been built into our annual rhythms for a long time now and we look forward to it. For a whole week (June 28 to July 3) we will give space for quiet, contemplation and rest with no blog posts or social media posts, silencing comments and activities in the Velvet Ashes community.

What delights and replenishes you? Instead of using the time you would normally be interacting with our community for other things, perhaps you might intentionally rest and refresh your body, soul and spirit.

 If you need some direction on Sabbath, you can look back at previous posts on the topic HERE.

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