Remember Me

Remember Me.

When you break the bread and drink the wine, remember Me.

Remember I became flesh and dwelt among you.

I filled My lungs with Earth’s air.

I watched the sun that I breathed into existence rise over mountains My fingers carved.

My blistered soles walked the worn paths of man.

Remember Me.

I befriended sinners and blessed children.

I ate with outcasts and ached with mourners.

I called followers and made them friends of God.

Remember Me.

I unshuttered eyes to see the wonder I created.

I touched the leper to mend the heart that lay beneath the broken skin.

I crossed the stormy sea to rescue the tormented one.

My command stilled waves and silenced winds.

I made whole the broken-apart.

Remember Me.

I washed the feet of frail humanity.

I wept sorrow-filled tears on my knees in the dirt.

I was traded for 30 silver pieces.

My tear-salted cheek received the betrayal kiss.

I longed for My Father’s presence.

Remember Me.

I drank the cup.

I wore the barbed crown.

I heard the crowing rooster.

I was pierced, crushed, mocked, stripped, whipped, beaten, abandoned.

I endured the cross. All of it. For you.

Remember Me.

I shattered death.

I shed the grave clothes.

I bought you back from the dark.

I stood up and took My seat of glory.

I entered the waiting joy.

Remember Me.

I am the One who holds the universe and the One who holds your hand.

I am the One who hears your faintest whispers.

The One who fills and revives and sustains and rescues and forgives and redeems.

I am Lovingkindness. I am Grace and Truth melded together. I am Mercy.

I am the Hope and Healer of nations.

I am the Lifter of your head, the Keeper of your heart, the Lover of your soul.

I am the fullness of God.

I am Rest, Hope, Love.

I am the Resurrection. I am Life.

I am yours.

Remember Me.


    1. Patty Stallings March 24, 2016

      He is beautiful and oh so worthy.

    1. Patty Stallings March 27, 2016

      Dorette, you are the pearl of great value that He left all to purchase.

  1. Kristi March 24, 2016

    Remembering not just with my mind but with my heart!  Thanks, Patty. Beautiful.  And He is so worthy!


    1. Patty Stallings March 25, 2016

      “Remembering with my heart”  Me, too.

  2. Ellie March 25, 2016

    Lovely Patty. Your poem reading it all “through love’s eyes” was really something I needed today.

    1. Patty Stallings March 27, 2016

      Oh, how He loves us, Ellie!

  3. Shelly March 26, 2016

    Beautifully expressed, Patty. Thank you for sharing your gift of well-spoken words to bless us this Easter weekend.

    1. Patty Stallings March 27, 2016

      Thank you, Shelly.  I am overwhelmed by the ransom Love paid for us when I pause to remember Him. May you hear the tender whisper of His love for you.

  4. Cecily April 29, 2016

    Dear Patty,

    I am always so blessed by your writing, and today this piece that you have written is ministering deeply to my heart.  I am here in Eastern Europe, and for us, today is Good Friday.  So I have saved your words for today, and am reading them for the first time.  I hope it will be okay if I share them with those around me who are celebrating Easter this weekend, and especially as we remember Him with Communion this evening.

    Thank you.

    1. Patty Stallings April 29, 2016

      Hi Cecily.  Thank you for your kind words.  I would consider it an honor to be a part of your Easter experience.  May your love for Jesus deepen as you remember how deeply, richly, and fully loved you are by Him!

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